Quick Details
Duration: 1 hour
Capacity: 2-10 Players
Difficulty: Medium
Escape Rate: 40%
Location: 430 Harrison Ave Panama City, FL 32401
Fully ADA Compliant
Private bookings available
Public Rooms
Per Player
$ 30
Uncover the Secrets in the Attic
A woman who didn’t know what to do after her groom disappeared on their wedding day. Supposedly she went mad and wore nothing, but wedding dresses for the rest of her days. She was said to often venture into The Attic where she would fantasize about what her life could have been like had that special day gone a little differently. It is now up to you to venture into the very attic, solve the clues, and find out what truly happened to The Woman in White. Did she truly get trapped in the attic? Or is it all just legend? Did she ever escape her impending doom? Will you? You have 1 hour to solve the mystery or be trapped like the lost soul.